Thursday, December 3, 2009

Has anyone ever attended nars in kansas?

im going for conductor training class what should i expect?Has anyone ever attended nars in kansas?
I know people that have attended, it is rather expensive but you probably already know that.

From what I have heard it is reasonably thorough, however upon hiring out you will still have to go through company training.

I didnt really ask him just what the training entailed though.

Our human resources person told me that basically, a graduate of one of these academies has an advantage over other people as it demonstrates a strong desire and committment to work in the railroad industry.

I hope they are not guaranteeing you a job when you get out, having NARS or other RR academy experience helps but most railroads still look for transfers from within the company first.

Good luck!! Railroads currently have a lot of people on furlough but that will change, be persistent.

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